Pool and Spa Bomb Cleaner

We have two specific SolutionsHOCL formulations for the Pool Bomb™ and the Spa Bomb™. Rick is our Master Formulator and is very obsessed with creating formulations that produce the absolute best.

Our Goal is to make sure your Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs are kept Deep Cleaned.

To Confirm that SolutionsHOCL Pool Bomb™ and Spa Bomb™ are the Best Cleaners available, Google "Can hypochlorous acid be used in pools?" and you will CONFIRM the FACT that HOCl is the BEST PRODUCT for use in Pools and Spas

Useful Tips for Maintaining a Pool and Spa

  • Regularly skim and clean debris from the surface of your pool or spa to prevent grime and buildup....
  • Make sure the walls are vacuumed and cleaned.
  • Make sure you know your pH levels..
  • Make sure your pool and spa are winterized.